
I am like this 😥

Anuradha(Anu)- Why don't you understand me. I am like this. Sidharth(Sid)- Why are you like this. Have not you thought anytime to change yourself. Fighting started...Oh no..Not again.. Anu is a young banker who does every single work given by her bosses & never say NO attitude. Take all the pressure of sales and targets. Do her job very deliberately. Even more than expected. She has migrane every alternate day as she takes all the unwanted pressure on her head.  She is a comp. Sc engineer & has a brilliant educational background. The most important fact is, she doesn't like her job at all & keep doing it since ages. She had a dream to be a Software Engineer. & the dream is kept somewhere in the wordrobe now. When it's time to take a vacation, Anuradha thinks her boss will not allow. When she is sick, she doesn't even tell her boss that she is not well and can't attend office. Forget about the casual leaves. She would have taken 3-4 casual leaves in 6